REQUEST A FLIGHT: Urgent assistance
We’re here to Help – If your flight is very urgent, or if you are away from easy computing, then call us and we will fill your form for you and speed the process through.
CALL STEVE ON 082 891 1689
Each flight request received by The Bateleurs is subject to a review process which ensures that two basic limitations are observed, namely that The Bateleurs:
will not fly in support of any commercial activity, and will not transport people from place to place.
In addition, the assessment of requests ensures also that there must be an authentic potential benefit to conservation and/or the environment inherent in the objective for each flight. Accordingly, not all flight requests received are sanctioned. All flight requests are reviewed by the full Board of Directors, and there must be a minimum of three positive responses before a flight request can be approved. Also – for a variety of reasons, inclement weather being a major factor affecting light aircraft – not all the approved flights actually take place.
Our ability to carry out a flight request is dependent on pilot availability. The Bateleurs rely on volunteer pilots to do most of our flying. These men and woman not only donate their time and expertise, but also contribute the operating costs of the aircraft. Depending on the aircraft, this can be in the region of R5000.00 per hour. Out of consideration to these dedicated volunteers, we ask you to work with us to accommodate their schedules.
How to request
a flight
Flight Request
All flight requests must be submitted on our standard application form.
Review Process
All flight requests are subject to review by the Board of Directors. Flight request forms must specify objectives that will lead to an authentic and expected benefit to conservation and/or the environment.

Once a flight request has been approved, a Call for a Volunteer is sent to all pilot members.
Volunteers are assigned according to considerations such as locality, suitability of aircraft, associated costs, the frequency of missions flown by individual pilots etc.
When a volunteer pilot has been sourced, the pilot and beneficiary are put in touch with one another. Operational support ensures that all appropriate forms are issued prior to the flight including:
Indemnity forms for pilots and passengers;
Post-flight report templates for pilots and passengers;
Observance of a range of statutory requirements in respect of animal relocations (national and international)
The flight of missions takes place.
The only contribution which The Bateleurs asks of any beneficiary is the provision of a post-flight report, together with captioned photographs.
The Bateleurs does not charge or accept a fee for any flights.
Once a flight request has been approved, a Call for a Volunteer is sent to all pilot members. Volunteers are assigned according to considerations such as locality, suitability of aircraft, associated costs, the frequency of missions flown by individual pilots etc.